Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Length Of Your Ring Finger May Say A Few Things About You...

I just came across this article on the National Geographic website that states that the length of your ring finger in comparison to your pointer finger can say a lot about your genetic traits. Read the article here! Aparrently more testosterone causes a longer ring finger and is most prevalent in males, of course. It relates a lot to agression and sexual drive, but also to greater likelihood of certain diseases and conditions. Another link refers to lack of fear and higher risk taking, especially in financial matters.

A typical male hand features a ring finger longer than the pointer finger.

I checked my hands and it seems that I am one of those less common women with a ring finger just slightly longer than my pointer finger. LOL

As another article linked to in the former states: "Testosterone is the principle sex hormone in males, but it's also found in naturally varying levels in women. In both sexes, testosterone enhances competitiveness and dominance, boosts confidence, and reduces fear." (read that article, here, as well)

I guess it's true... your ring finger does something about you, indeed. Someone asked me to do something she wasn't courageous enough to do. I asked why? Her response: "Because you got balls!" I looked down at my privates and laughed: "Really?!" LOL.... I should have looked at my ring finger, I guess! Hahaha! Of course, I helped her out!

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