"Truth Or Dare" is an interesting game. Dares sometimes can be annoying to others, unsafe or get you in trouble. Hence I usually stick with "Truth"! I like telling the truth, even if it might be a bit embarrassing or hurtful to people's feelings. For some people, telling the truth is a dare in itself. Let me correct that. For a LOT of people, it is a dare to go beyond what they normally do. They may not be liars, but people often refuse to see, acknowledge or speak the truth, with other words DENY it, despite the fact that they KNOW it. The game "Truth" is really is a dare to admit a truth like that to others.
I look at it this way: to come out and tell tell the truth can be quite liberating. Yes, it may involve some unexpected reactions and emotions, but it also helps your own self-realization and can re-define friendship relationships. In the dating world, it can help to get to know one another on a different and maybe deeper level than what transpires from an initial conversation. Motives can become clearer as well, if the proper questions are asked. You can almost look at it as a fun-based interview for relationship prospects. :P
I like to play it with random people, not so much for them to hear truths from me, but also for me to see what questions they ask. It tells me what they secretly think and want to know about me, but are afraid to ask in most cases. Here, I open up a door for them to find out more about me, and in turn I learn more about them, as well! What a great deal!! There is often more wisdom in (and in looking at) the question than in the answer to the question...
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