Thursday, November 10, 2011

One Door Closes And Another One Opens...

So often in life we experience setbacks and let them bring us down. But what goes on in ones mind affects our actions. I always say that we make our own choices in every situation. Therefore we must choose to believe that life goes on, and that it has something better in store for us than what we experienced in the past! That isn't always easy, I admit, but it is so worth it!

The job that ended may just open us up for bigger and better opportunities to apply ourselves and make better money. The love we lost may let us finally realize that we either have to focus on ourselves for a while to be truly happy and/or that there is someone better out there for us. And if there is a delay in getting what we want for ourselves, maybe there is something else we truly need. We need to understand that wanting something does not equal needing something. Instant gratification may make us happy right now, but that happiness usually doesn't last. Sometimes we just need to take things slow, grow within ourselves, build relationships from the ground up and put some effort into our goals, work, possessions and other things. It takes many baby steps and l ife experiences, good and what we perceive as bad, to get where we want to be! With that in mind always remain open for new opportunities and, if you will, adventures. What doesn't kill us does make us stronger and teaches us valuable lessons for the future. When something changes drastically for you, don't give up hope, and remember that you are about to embark on a new journey in a new chapter in your life! :-)

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