There always seems to come a time when you worked so much, stressed too much and supported all kinds of worthy causes that you just need a break! Today I woke up dizzy, with sinus trouble and my daughter isn't feeling well either. My son is at a friend's house for a sleepover. I realize that in the past 2 weeks I have spent 8 nights at a friend's house, partially because I volunteered for BRV and it's an hours drive home, just to come back for a 2nd cleanup. Partially, because I needed time to nurture a friendship that is very important to me. In between I worked with kids with disabilities every day, which has been a little rough lately, because there is a lot going on in those kids life, which makes my work a lot more challenging. They also have been sick, and I could have caught a bug from them. My finances aren't what they should be and I am trying to get out of my apartment into a home and time is running out... a lot of stress, to put it in a nutshell.
People can be strong for a very long time, but at some point they just need some rest! Stress is my greatest enemy, and when it starts affecting me physically, I know sleep, quiet time and good food are the only option to get back on track, besides writing. So I am taking the day off to spend with my daughter, vegging out, eating well and getting a few things taken care of that will ease my mind.
I think I need a drastic change in my life; so I am looking at this as building up new strength for the coming days. School is starting on Thursday and life will only get harder for a while, but I am optimistic that everything will resolve itself, once I am back up to par.
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