Negative Emotions don’t just make you miserable, but also all those people you come into contact with. They can result in depression, drug and alcohol abuse and separation from friends and family. Misery seeks company as they say…
I found several ways to help me overcome negative mindsets and attitudes.
Music has always been a great way for me to handle setbacks. Song writers, since the beginning of time, have created lyrics that stemmed from their own experiences. There is nothing more powerful than knowing that you are not the only one that has gone through a lot of bad stuff! When I feel sad or mad I turn up the music and sing out loud. I chose songs that relate most closely to my current life situation.
Sometimes you just have to get out of the house or away from a situation that seems to drive you insane. Maybe meeting up with a friend for a coffee or taking the kids to the park will help get you mind of negative things for a while. Maybe a simple walk at night and looking at the stars will help you clear you head a bit and focus on more positive and beautiful things in life.
One of my favorite things to do is to just write my thoughts off my soul, not even thinking about what I write; just getting it out of my mind and onto the paper! If I am fairly composed I actually write poems, essays and rap songs, believe it or not! J. Most of the time it helps me to rearrange my thoughts and refocus. That way I go from an overwhelmed state of mind to calm and ready to change my situation. Perfect!
A Paradigm-Shift happens when you manage to change your perspective on life’s situations. Occasionally we just need to see things from a different angle in order to make sense out of it…
For instance, you just cut your finger, but then you hear that your friend just has a severe car accident and is in the hospital. How lucky you are! You hurt a bit, but you can use your hand, feed yourself, adhere to your own schedule and sleep in your own bed without frequent interruptions by nurses. So hey, you are much better off than your friend, right?! Go visit and see if you can cheer/her up a bit!
I once heard about a method that ended up helping me to get out of a depression years ago. The method consists out of writing all kinds of persistent negative thoughts on one side of a piece of paper. When finished, you look at your paper and try and come up with a similar, but totally opposite, positive statement.
You try and memorize the list of negative versus positive statements and whenever you find yourself in a negative thought process, you simply tell yourself “stop” and recall the fitting positive statement to overpower the negative thought. Become a little rebellious in that aspect. Don’t let negative thinking hold you back. When You think: I will never get that - turn it around and say: I will learn hard and ask people questions, so that I get a better understanding! ;)
Sometimes we cannot deal with our personal issues alone and refuse to ask for help. But there are so many people out there who love us and are more than happy to help. Asking doesn’t hurt. The worst you can get is a no, and the best that can happen is a good solution you would have never expected. Even just being able to talk to someone can make you feel a whole lot better that dwelling on your miserable circumstances.
Physical activity increases endorphins in your body. Those “feel-good” hormones can quickly provide a calmer and better outlook on life and help you to focus. Go for a walk, start a new hobby with an activity partner or local group that engages in an active lifestyle, go to the gym or just turn on some music and dance while doing household chores. Anything that gets your heart pumping for at least 30 mins works! =)
I hope these suggestions help! If you have any other ideas, please feel free to share!
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