Wednesday, September 28, 2011


There are few things as life-changing as a friend leaving your side to pursue important avenues in a new life in a new far-away location. I can honestly say that friends who left my side either physically or emotionally, have affected me in a greater extent than relationship break-ups, with the exception that I can actually appreciate their leaving when they do it for a good reason. I am the type of friend that will push their selfish reasons for trying too keep friends close by aside, because I believe that when they find their way and success in life, they will be an even greater friend and person when we reunite, or even if we don't. Fact is I had to take steps in my life that meant everything for my future. I left my home country Germany and my family back in '97 at 20 yrs old. Yes, I married a man from the military, but I actually had this intention to leave for the U.S. since I was 11 years old! I just had to do this to satisfy my need to make my dream come true, regardless of the consequences and disregarding how it would happen. Today, I am single, but happy, on my own, but a better person, a "cool" mom in my kids' and their friends' opinion, and someone who has developed from a shy girl to an outgoing, personable and intelligent individual who can survive in almost any situation!
Whatever happened in between, it was all worth it! I wish the same for my friends! I love them so much that I have accepted the fact that I have to let them go and let them make their own luck!
I do hope that I remain part of their life. I hope that they will still consult with me on important decisions close to their heart. I hope that the miles wont let the friendship grow cold. But I know, just like me, they have to discover or re-discover themselves as the person they want to be. It means everything!

Here is some advice:

  • Take the risk - you only live once!
  • Don't let toxic people talk you out of opportunities that could change your life for the better! That includes closest friends and family members!
  • Make a plan and stick to it!
  • If you know that someone will try to hold you back, tell them of your decision as late as possible and don't look back!
  • Push your negative thoughts aside and focus on all the benefits of the steps you are about to take. Remember, this is a new chapter in your life, no matter how uncertain; one door closes, one door opens -always!
  • Don't delay - if you can do it today, do it!! 
  • Keep the faith, no matter what happens. Whatever you put your effort and intention into will dictate your results!
  • We all make mistakes - just remember to count both the lessons and the blessings, and act accordingly!


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