Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Quick Reminder to Companies Helping Boise River Volunteers (BRV)

Lately we have been looking for more donations, since we are entirely self-sponsored and hope to continue to clean up places during the winter season, and fix up our floating equipment. The last car wash brought a little money, mostly through a couple of new memberships at $20 each, but we continue to have to ask the public for more help. We are trying to set up donation jars to support our cause and raise awareness for river and pond conservation.

I was able to set up a donation jar at By-Rite and Lube One in Emmett. Please come and visit our sponsoring and donating companies by buying and shopping there! Leave a small donation and sign up on our website at riverhelpers.com or find Boise River Helpers on Facebook. We appreciate any help we can get, no matter if its cash, items or new volunteers!

Thank you, kindly!